This is a video from a Homer, Alaska based Scenic Bear Viewing tour of the guides demonstrating what to do when a bear charges. They stress you should NOT run, but rather make loud noises and stand your ground to discourage the bear from approaching any further. Apparently bears have
This is a clip from the helmetcam of cyclist Edwin Gonzalez Montoya while pedaling in the Hincapie Gran Fondo in Greenville, South Carolina, when a deer leaps over the road, and him in the process. Apparently Edwin wasn’t sure what it actually was until reviewing the video footage. Me? I
This is a video from La Jolla in San Diego of two sea lions charging at waaaaay too tourists for such a tiny beach, all of whom have clearly overstayed their welcome. They don’t call them lions for nothing! The city is considering closing this beach as a result of
This is a video of a 17-year old male grizzly being re-released into the wild after being trapped by bear-biologist Tim Manley due to repeatedly raiding chicken coops. They moved him to a much more remote area for release with the hopes he has less run-ins with humans. And, to
In an example of what I’m sure happens countless times a day, this is some doorbell cam footage of a woman racing to the front door to get inside and pee, but tripping and wiping out on the front porch. I’m impressed with just how far past the front door
This is some home security cam footage from the home of Caroline Sasaki in Palolo Valley, Hawaii, of a massive boulder Koo-Aid Manning its way through the side of her newly remodeled home and across the living room, almost hitting Caroline on its way. Damn! Apparently this was just one
Covered in actual poop from digging their nests in the meter-thick layer of bird crap on the cliffs of Peru (a result of the massive number of birds fishing offshore there), this is a video of a group of Humboldt penguins running across the backs of hundreds of sea lions
This is a video of a snowboarder riding a T-bar lift and having a hard time of it, eventually letting go and sliding down the slope, managing to stay right in the middle where he can do the most damage, taking out other skiers and snowboarders along the way like