25’5″ to be exact. Built by Nicolas Barrioz and David Peyrou, the Starbike requires a crane and crew to stand upright, and a scissor lift for a rider to mount. Just to be clear, that is entirely too tall. It doesn’t even have Spokey Dokeys! Also, why is the Guinness
This is a video of husky Kira licking a closeup of sizzling bacon on a flatscreen television. Is that a screensaver? Because it’s definitely not saving that screen from dried dog saliva. I shudder at the thought of what that screen looks like turned off, but probably like the bottom
This is a Red Bull video of Olympic ski jumping gold medalist Ryōyū Kobayashi setting a new world ski jump record with an absolutely insane 291-meter jump. It beats the previous world record by a very respectable 37.5 meters, and was performed on a special ramp made just for the
Because ideas come in all shapes, sizes, and practicality (this one ranks incredibly low in practicality), this is a video of Drew Dirksen testing the pool float he made entirely out of red Solo cups, super glue, and packing tape. Does it float? Yes. Can it support a child? Yes.
This is a clip of a man (who I swear I posted on Geekologie back in the day — glad to see he’s still at it) demonstrating his complete disregard for gravity by balancing a number of glass bottles on each other in precarious ways. He also does some blindfolded
Canadian children’s book author and illustrator Lulu Lotus recently set the Guinness World Record for loudest nose whistle, with an impressive 44.1dB snoot hooter. That’s about as loud as a bird’s call. In her own words while I go blow my nose (technically pick) so it stops unintentionally whistling when
Because bad ideas come in all shapes and sizes (including XL), this is a clip of the Nitro Circus’ latest Life Size Toy: an 8-foot replica of a Duncan butterfly yo-yo designed to have two people strapped to the sides of as it spins suspended from a crane. That looks
Best known for leaving oily marks all over the walls and getting me in trouble, sticky hands are classic 25¢ vending machine (probably $1 now) toys that don’t taste anywhere as good as they look, and I’ve tried every color. In this video, Youtuber Nate from the Internet melts 1,000