This is the Puking Kitty Gravy Boat originally created by glass artist Ginger Ames all the way back in 2012, which were only available for a limited time and quickly sold out. Well now Ginger and her husband have decided to start reselling the puking kitties after being featured on
Because who has the space for a whole tree, this is ‘The Against The Wall Christmas Tree’ available from purveyor of things nobody really needs Hammacher Schlemmer for $250. It’s available pre-lit with all white lights or multicolored. Would a full tree cost $500? We may never know. Or care.
Because what good is Halloween if you can’t trick some treaters, these are the shitake mushroom flavored candy canes made and sold by Archie McPhee ($5.50 for a six-pack, regularly $6.50). Honestly, I’m not sure if I could even identify what shitake tastes like. “What about just shit?” Oh easy,
Because how can we even call this the future if we don’t have Willy Wonka’s Three Course Dinner Chewing gum yet, Brach’s has announced it will be releasing Turkey Dinner Candy Corn at Walgreens stores, packages containing six different flavored corns that taste like the various courses of a turkey
this is the Toilet Timer ($15 on Amazon), a five-minute sand hourglass style timer to remind you that you’ve already done enough scrolling on Instagram, it’s time to wipe and get off the pot. Me? I don’t get up until both my legs are painfully numb and I have to
This is the PB-JIFE!, a confusingly named product that is allegedly the “ultimate peanut butter knife.” It’s supposed to do a better job stirring, scraping and cleaning peanut butter jars than the butter knife you’ve been using. And it sure as hell better too, considering it costs $23. Shoot, for
This is a recently discovered music video of Youtuber Klenginem (clever) rapping Eminem’s ‘Without You’, entirely in Klingon (lyrics on his official website HERE). It’s one of only three videos Klengimen has posted to his Youtube channel in the past 11 years, leading at least one idiot eating cold, not