Matchstick Races: Burning To The Finish Line

Matchstick Races: Burning To The Finish Line

Because why go to the Olympics when you can make the Olympics come to you, this is a video from Youtuber Just Perfect of a matchstick race between four different colored matches and courses. Which one do you think will win? Not to brag or anything, but the one I thought was going to win from the very start did win. Well, second place. Now if I just had the same luck at the racetrack, maybe there wouldn’t be a bunch of people who want to bend my knees backwards right now.

Jazz Sabbath: An Entire Jazz Album Of Black Sabbath Songs

Jazz Sabbath: An Entire Jazz Album Of Black Sabbath Songs

This is Jazz Sabbath, a delightful album by Avant Garden (available for purchase as an actual LP, CD, or cassette on Bandcamp here) reimagining Black Sabbath songs as jazz bangers. It really is good stuff. I enjoy both jazz and Black Sabbath, so it was a real treat for my ear drums. And I have VERY discerning ear drums. They only like the finest sounds. The sound of a fork in the garbage disposal at close range? It could honestly kill me.

Infinite LEGO Domino Knock Over And Pick Up Machine

Infinite LEGO Domino Knock Over And Pick Up Machine

Domino runs: it’s only the knocking them over part that’s fun. The setting up part is tedious and stressful, and usually (at least in my case) ends with a premature demolition and sadness. Built by LEGO builder Grant Davis using LEGO Technics parts, this machine will infinitely set up and knock over a line of giant LEGO dominos. The system is actually a lot more complicated than you might think, including magnets to keep the dominos from falling too far away to prevent being re-erected. Grant says he plans to make a future version with a curved track so it could potentially be an infinitely falling loop. Now that would be cool. Not that this isn’t, it just definitely has room for improvement. Not unlike my attitude.

Thanks to my dad, who agrees there is nothing you can’t build with enough LEGO.

Autonomous Trash Can That Comes When You Call It

Autonomous Trash Can That Comes When You Call It

Built by inventor James Bruton, BinBot 9000 (apparently the 8000 model was total…garbage) is an autonomous trash receptacle that can come to you, that way you don’t miss trying to throw a banana peel in basketball style. The robot uses vision-assisted guidance and printed targets to identify its location and go where it’s needed. It also has obstacle avoidance features, but, if it does hit something, will turn 90-degrees and attempt to proceed on its way. That’s cool, but even watching the thing at 5X speed it’s slow, so realistically by the time it shows up you’ll have finished the remainder of the sandwich you were going to throw away anyways. Food for thought. Or, in this case, garbage.

Chopping Things In Half With A Giant 2-Ton Axe

Chopping Things In Half With A Giant 2-Ton Axe

Because everything is bigger in Australia (especially the spiders), this is a video of the fun-loving Aussies of Youtube channel How Ridiculous chopping things in half with a giant 2-ton axe (repurposed from their previously posted giant hammer). It’s a fun watch. Of course I imagine it would have been even funner to participate. Unless you drew the short straw to be tied up underneath the axe, then it would have been less fun and more running for your life.

Keep going for the video, car is at 16:20.

Incredible Diving Indoor Volleyball Save Flips Table

Incredible Diving Indoor Volleyball Save Flips Table

This is a video of University Of Houston volleyball player Kate Georgiades diving out of bounds to make a save, flipping a table in the process. She then runs back on court and continues to make plays until the Cougars take the point against opponent South Dakota. Houston went on to win their first NCAA tournament match since 1994, all, no doubt, thanks to this play. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to start making up the rules for the new sport I just invented, wrestlingball. ESPN is about to get a whole lot more exciting.

Keep going for the sporting feat from two different angles.