To remind myself of sunnier time during this cold, snowy day, this is a video of a sunburnt man mashing a boy’s head into his belly so it briefly leaves a surprisingly detailed imprint of the child’s face. And while the imprint may have disappeared after a few seconds, the
What will undoubtedly be considered the greatest opus of Australian artist Jason Sank, these life-size catmen were made using actual cat hair he collected from a groomer. Some more info about these modern Davids while I hack up a furball: Sank sculpted the fur over chicken wire forms he built
In real mature news, this is the already-funded Kickstarter campaign for the Fart Pedal, a guitar effects pedal that turns guitar input into farts. It includes a switch for selecting either juicy or dry farts, and a knob for just how much gas the pedal produces. It also comes with
Because humanity is rapidly approaching its expiration date (use by, not best by), these are Wet Pants Denim, real jeans you can buy that make it look like you pissed yourself, but are actually dry to the touch (the illusion is created via dyeing, not to be confused with dying
Because nothing quite says prom like a greasy cheese biscuit strapped to your wrist, Red Lobster posted a video tutorial to Twitter detailing how to turn their Cheddar Bay Biscuits into prom corsages and boutonnieres. Basically you hot glue a Cheddar Bay Biscuit onto some fake greenery and an elastic
This is a very unusual sketch of comedian Eric Feurer performing as two trench coats inside a kid trying to get into the theater to watch a children’s movie. You know, instead of two kids stacked inside a trench coat trying to get into a rated R movie. It’s, uh,
Because great ideas come in all shapes and sizes, including the size and shape of a phone with a tongue sticking out of it where you put your ear, the ‘Feel The Conversation’ phone created by designer Xianzhi Zhang translates speech into haptic feedback based on a caller’s intonation and
This is the very real and very available on Amazon FartVac, a $12 hose and bulb vacuum with an activated carbon filter at the end designed to suck up farts from your pants before filtering the smell out of them and releasing them back into the wild. Now I know