I don't feel so good.
Woman Eats 100 Plates Of Sushi Off Sushi Conveyor Belt In One Sitting

This is a video of Youtuber and eater of things tzuyang쯔양 casually polishing off 100 plates of sushi from a sushi conveyor belt, all in one sitting. For reference, I think my record might be around eight plates, which would have probably only been four if my girlfriend hadn’t already offered to pay. Tzuyang takes her glasses off around the 9:14 mark, which I assume means it’s time to really focus. When I’m trying to focus on eating I untie the drawcord of my sweatpants. And that’s usually when I see the all-you-can-eat buffet’s manager nervously eyeing the wall clock by the register and trying to make it speed up with his mind so he can enforce the two-hour limit rule. Let me just put it this way: if getting your money’s worth at an all-you-can-eat buffet were an Olympic event, I would– “Always earn gold?” Haha, I was going to say get disqualified for doping, but I appreciate your vote of confidence. Now *lowing voice, handing bottle* inject me with this Hidden Valley Ranch.

Keep going for this video, but check out her Youtube channel if you want to watch her eating other absurd amounts of things (e.g. 18 packets of ramen, 100 deep-fried cheeseballs, 12-pounds of soup) .