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Mmmmm!: A Crocheted Triple Cheeseburger With All The Fixings

This is the crocheted triple patty cheeseburger crafted by yarn shop Olives and Bananas in Thunder Bay, Ontario, as a collaboration with local burger joint Beefcake’s Burger Factory. As you can see, it’s got everything you need to stack a mile-high cheeseburger “with mayo, lettuce, onions, pickles, a triple stack of beef patties, jalapeños, tomatoes, ketchup, mustard, and for a kick of authentic Aussie burger style, a slap of beetroot and a sunny side up egg.” Yum! Anybody else here wish they were in Thunder Bay right now instead of *looking around apprehensively* what appears to be their own personal hell?

Keep going for an Instagram stop motion of the burger being stacked.