Man, I used to win so many tickets playing Whac-A-Mole at the arcade. Mostly because my brother and I would team up on one game with two mallets, and I have the stuffed animals and little glider planes to prove it. This is a video of a Shibu Inu named Fizzgig playing Whac-A-Mole with a hot dog and getting very upset the hot dog isn’t in his mouth already. In the owner’s own words while I eat two cold hot dogs for breakfast, just like I have for the past sixteen years:
Honestly, I would have been upset too — the last thing I like is to be teased with food. Like this one time my girlfriend was rubbing honey on her legs all sexy seductive like aso I went to lick it off but no, that was wax. Now I don’t even like candles around the house.